Create out-of-this-world Alexa skills with students.
No Amazon device required.
Calling all high school classrooms!
We invite all US high school teachers to teach students the basics of voice artificial intelligence using Amazon’s Alexa. Any student (ages 14+) can learn to code their own space-themed Alexa skills with Alexa Inventor - a new tool on MIT App Inventor platform. No Amazon device is required.
Teachers can sign up to access Alexa Inventor below. Inside the portal, teachers can access free lesson plans and training options created by our learning partners. It’s time for everyone to learn the basics of voice AI!
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“This program really taught me a lot. I used to think artificial intelligence was only in movies and robots being smart like people, but I learned it’s also just tech that can respond to you and help you with everyday life.”
High School Student, Mississippi -
“This was a fun lesson and a great way to end the year. The students were super excited to hear Alexa respond to them!”
High School CS Teacher, Nebraska -
“This program has made me think more about what majors I want to choose. I was thinking about doing engineering, but you know, this computer science and tech part, I’m more into it!”
High School Student, Mississipppi -
“I enjoyed learning about code and the importance of innovation to promote the general good. I always knew that Alexa was useful, but I underestimated the uses of Alexa before these lessons. Learning more about the functions of Alexa, implicit biases, and space promoted my interests in computer science.”
High School Student, California -
I really enjoyed teaching these lessons. I thought they were interesting, and the students found them interesting.
High School CS Teacher, Connecticut -
“I enjoyed being able to communicate/talk to an AI that responds to my utterances and commands. It was very interesting.”
High School Student, New Jersey
How can my class participate?
2. After sign up, explore the provided lesson materials.
4. Request and print your student logins. Students use randomly generated usernames/passwords to access the MIT platform.
5. Teach a voice AI lesson and celebrate with #AlexaSkillsInventor and #AmazonFutureEngineer!
Use free lesson materials from our partners:

One hour for any classroom
This option is perfect for one class period in any subject area! The lesson covers the basics of voice AI and leads students through two tutorials. Students code Alexa to say “Hello, Moon!” and create an Space Trivia Generator. At the end, students dive deep into Alexa’s AI systems through an interview with Amazon’s Chief Alexa Evangelist.

Four hours for CS classrooms
For computer science teachers that want to go deeper than one lesson, this is for you! In Mobile CSP‘s Alexa in Space mini-unit, students explore AI concepts and create Alexa skills to help inexperienced space travelers, such as tourists, complete everyday tasks in a microgravity environment. This unit is available through a free interactive e-book.

Five hours for science classrooms
Got time but no CS experience? The NSTA created a five-day learning experience that exposes students to ideas about AI in the context of life science. Students design an Alexa skill to help monitor astronauts’ physical health during deep-space exploration. The curriculum is aligned to NGSS standards.
Preview the lesson videos:
The following videos are included in ProjectSTEM’s Hour of AI lesson and in the MIT App Inventor Tutorial. You can preview them below and use them how you like!

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Voice AI Basics

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Tutorial 1 - “Hello, Moon!”

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Tutorial 2: Random Fact Generator

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Understanding the AI in Alexa

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Take your class on our hour-long, interactive Callisto: Space Innovation Tour on Kahoot! Your students will journey aboard the Orion spacecraft to explore the experimental technology heading to the moon as a part of NASA’s Artemis 1 mission.
Frequently Asked Questions
Can families participate or only classrooms?
All students ages 14+ in the United States are welcome! The experiences are designed to be easy for teachers to integrate into classrooms. Teachers and parents can sign up now to bring this experience to their students (ages 14+).
What grade levels can participate?
This experience is for students ages 14+ in the United States.
Where is this program available?
This program is available to students and classrooms aged 14+ and located in the United States.
Do students need to provide personal information to participate in the program?
No, a student does not need to provide information such as their name, address, or email address to participate. Instead, through the MIT program, teachers create MIT App Inventor accounts along with randomly generated student logins, which are used to access the MIT App Inventor platform where skills can be coded. The randomly generated student logins are shared with Amazon in order to support the skills being coded in the MIT App Inventor platform.
Can I preview the lesson or watch a recording?
Yes! You can watch this recording of the one-hour ProjectSTEM lesson. The lesson is modeled as if the speaker is the teacher.
How do I create a teacher account for Alexa Inventor?
Head to https://hourofai.appinventor.mit.edu/signup. After you create an account, you’ll be taken into the teacher portal to create student accounts, access the coding interface, and more!
I already set up my account, but I’m not sure where to login. How do I access the platform?
Head to https://hourofai.appinventor.mit.edu/login to login to the Alexa Inventor Teacher portal. From here, you will be able to access the Alexa Inventor coding interface.
How do I create my student accounts on Alexa Inventor?
After logging into the Alexa Inventor Teacher Portal (here), you can click on “Student Accounts” to generate your class’s randomly generated student logins. You can download the logins as printable cards or a CSV file. Watch this video for more details.
Can I use the platform and make my own lesson?
Of course. Anyone can create an Alexa Inventor account and begin coding with Alexa. We provide lessons and training with three different partners, but you can always create your own learning experiences using the Alexa platform. Head here to get started.
How much does this cost?
All lesson materials and access to the platform are provided at no cost. Students will need their own computer to successfully code their skill.
Who can I contact for help?
Reach out to afe-contact@amazon.com for any additional support.